Electric Vehicle Summer Tire Recommendations

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EV Anxiety Issues

While the consensus is that we are headed toward an EV World as demonstrated by the growing popularity, increased sales, growth, and availability of new EV models that are now offering some relief for those with range anxiety, that anxiety may simply be transferred to new worries with your first EV. Specifically, what kind of tires this summer should you use on your EV to ensure that you are getting the safety, performance, and range you want in a tire.

Electric Vehicle Summer Tire Recommendations

Electric Tire Considerations

Electric Vehicle Summer Tire Recommendations

Electric tires differ from your typical internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicle tires in that rather than focusing primarily on just performance and road handling abilities, more so do EV tires with an additional necessary focus on rolling resistance to squeeze as many miles as possible to achieve a desirable road range capability.

Electric Vehicle Summer Tire Recommendations

Furthermore, EV tires have to be able to handle the increased weight of an EV as well as be developed to run as silent as possible to help keep road noise down that is otherwise drowned out by an ICE vehicle’s motor noise.

That was the topic of a recent Engineering Explained YouTube channel video where the host goes over the engineering in what it takes to create an EV tire to meet the special needs of an electric car or truck.

Related article: Everything You Need to Know About Electric Car Tires to Avoid Being Scammed

Everything You Need to Know in Choosing an EV Tire

In the video you will learn:

  • What are the defining characteristics of an EV summer tire?
  • How do you balance grip and rolling resistance?
  • What’s so special about the ION Evo tire?

The benefit of leaning about the above is that you will know and understand:

  • What the Shore A Hardness factor is when choosing an EV tire.
  • What kind of tread depth is ideal for your EV and driving conditions.
  • Why you want wider rain grooves in your EV tires during the summer.
  • How summer tires differ from winter tires, and which runs quieter.
  • How EV tire manufacturers balance tire grip with rolling resistance for optimal range.
  • A layman’s understanding of Hysteresis and why this is important to an EV tire.
  • An explanation of the rolling resistance letter-grading system.
  • Why a Triple A (AAA) rating is important with respect to your tire selection and what EV tire brand actually achieves this designation and how much more range you can expect added onto your EV.

That said, here is the video you are encouraged to watch in its entirety so that you can make an informed decision on what set of tires you should be putting on your EV.

And finally…

For additional articles related to EVs, here are three selected ones for your consideration:

  • EV Owner Reveals 5 Hidden EV Expenses of Owning an EV
  • The Dark Secret Behind EV Maintenance Says This Mechanic
  • Everything You’ve Heard About Electric Cars is a Lie, Says This Mechanic

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Timothy Boyer is Torque News automotive reporter based in Cincinnati. Experienced with early car restorations, he regularly restores older vehicles with engine modifications for improved performance. Follow Tim on Twitter at @TimBoyerWrites for new and used vehicle news.

Image Source: Pixabay

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