Nintendo Labo offers kids a new and creative way to game

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Nintendo Labo offers kids a new and creative way to game
Nintendo Labo offers kids a new and creative way to game (Image sourced from

Kids these days rarely get to entertain themselves with anything that isn’t a screen to simply be stared at, but there’s little else that’s dynamic and interactive enough to hold their attention.

Nintendo Labo brings them back to basics with easy to assemble cardboard designs.

Made of heavy-duty cardboard, Nintendo Labo works in conjunction with the Nintendo Switch and its “Joy-Con” controllers. By slipping these controllers into the designated slot once the cardboard creations are done, it essentially turns them into motion controlled objects. These finished objects become more interactive by using the built-in motion tracking or vibration functions of the controllers.

For example, the 13-key piano from the Labo Variety Kit works almost like a normal piano by using the controllers to pick up different vibrations from the keys that then play a corresponding tune. Labo also comes with games that allow both kids and adults to put their creations to use in a virtual space.

Nintendo Labo creates a whole new gaming ecosystem aimed directly at kids. The payoff of physical creativity might just be enough for them to ask for more versions of this cardboard toy once newer versions are released.



By Daniëlle Kruger
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