Li calls for advancing high

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Chinese Premier Li Qiang meets with Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif in Paris, France, June 22, 2023. [Photo/Xinhua]

Premier Li Qiang called on Thursday for advancing major projects under the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to promote the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative, when he met with Pakistani Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif in Paris.

During the meeting on the sidelines of the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact, in which both sides will participate on Friday, Li said that China and Pakistan have always treated, trusted and supported each other sincerely.

China will continue to firmly support Pakistan in safeguarding its sovereignty, national independence and territorial integrity; in pursuing a development path suited to its national conditions; and in achieving its stability, development and prosperity, Li said.

He pointed out that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the BRI proposed by President Xi Jinping and the 10th anniversary of the launch of the CPEC.

China will, as always, support Pakistan in accelerating its economic development and enhancing its capacity for sustainable development, he said.

Li expressed his hope that Pakistan would take all measures to ensure the safety of the Chinese institutions and personnel in the country.

Both countries should jointly uphold international fairness and justice, and safeguard the common interests of China and Pakistan as well as those of the developing countries, he added.

Calling Pakistan and China all-weather friends and "iron-clad brothers," Sharif said that the friendship between the two countries remains unbreakable.

It is the consensus of various Pakistani political parties and all walks of life to consolidate the friendship between Pakistan and China, he added.

Sharif reaffirmed Pakistan's commitment to adhering to the one-China principle and its firm support for China in safeguarding its national sovereignty and territorial integrity.

The Pakistani side is willing to work with China to promote the high-quality development of the CPEC and deepen mutually beneficial cooperation in various fields, he said, adding that the Pakistani side will make every effort to ensure the safety of the Chinese personnel and institutions in Pakistan.

Sharif also noted that the Pakistani side opposes any attempt to contain or suppress China, and stands ready with China to mutually support each other in multilateral affairs.

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