Hawaiki trans

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Hawaiki Cable has obtained a landing site in the northwestern state of Oregon for its proposed trans-Pacific cable, with interconnection points to American carrier networks.

Hawaiki trans-Pacific cable obtains US landing site

According to Hawaiki, the cable will land in the city of Hillsboro near Portland, with Oregon community telco Tillamook Lightwave hosting the system in its existing landing station as well as providing the infrastructure on land including circuits from the nearby Nedonna Beach.

In addition to the landing point, Hawaiki Cable said Oregon carrier CoastCom had agreed to supply and install the fibre-optic backhaul network with interconnections to other providers.

Hawaiki Cable has a landing site in New Zealand already for the circuit which is estimated to be completed towards the end of 2015.

A spokesperson for Hawaiki Cable told iTnews a Sydney landing site had been selected.

"Hawaiki is currently finalising details with a local provider, but at this stage, terms prohibit disclosure of names," the spokesperson said.

Australian providers TPG and iiNet have already agreed to take up capacity on Hawaiki Cable if it is completed, along with New Zealand companies Orcon and Voyager.

The New Zealand government has also agreed to put A$13.5 million towards becoming an anchor tenant on the cable, money that was allocated to the failed Pacific Fibre project.

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