Turnbull to challenge NBN Co FoI exemption

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Opposition communications spokesman Malcolm Turnbull says his party plans to challenge NBN Co's exemption from freedom of information laws.

Turnbull to challenge NBN Co FoI exemption

The Australian Financial Reviewreported today that NBN Co was an incorporated company and therefore did not have to release documents under freedom laws.

The news was criticised by Turnbull who told ABC Radiothat precedents had been set for Government-funded businesses to be open to FoI scrutiny.

He said that if the Government were successful in preventing FoI and Public Works Committee scrutiny of the NBN, "then there will be very limited opportunities to scrutinise this project other than with a change of government."

The Australiannewspaper today reported that the FoI exemption had the backing of the Prime Minister.

"I think with freedom of information laws, we have the system, the system is there, the system is one where something like NBN Co is not covered by them so it's just ordinary business," Gillard was reported by the paper as saying.

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